Dress to Impress

6 Quick Ways to Improve Your Looks

Physical appearance is not only determined by your looks. Your style, behaviour and how you carry yourself are also important factors that affect your overall attractiveness. Fortunately, there are easy and quick solutions that can help you improve your looks and presentation in a matter of minutes. So the next time you decide to run a few errands, keep in mind these few handy tips:


Healthy Equals Beautiful

There are many different aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and all of them greatly affect your appearance. Implementing a healthy diet plan that will provide your body with all the essential nutrients is just one of them. These kinds of diets should be versatile and help you cleanse your body from harmful toxins and fill your body with energy. Essential nutrients can help you clear your skin and maintain a youthful glow. Also, getting an adequate amount of sleep can greatly help you replenish your energy. Indulging in regular physical activity can also be a significant factor for maintaining both your physical and mental health.


Healthy Equals Beautiful


Nothing can substitute the essence of a true and genuine smile. And while it is sometimes difficult keeping that smile on your face, it is important to realize that this simple trick can greatly affect your appearance. It is proven that people who smile more often are perceived as warm, more welcoming and sincere. Also, keep in mind that most people can tell the difference between a genuine and a fake smile, so make sure not to force anything.


Focus On Your Good Sides

Everybody has its good and bad sides and it is really important to learn how to draw focus to our attributes rather than our flaws. The first step is to determine your good qualities. This can be practically anything: from a beautiful smile, pretty eyes, good legs or a nice waist. Once you figure that out, everything else will be a breeze. You will learn how to dress according to your body type, how to emphasize your good sides, how to apply make-up so you would draw attention to your traits and most importantly – how to hide your weak spots.

Focus On Your Good Sides

Body Language

If you want to make a certain impression, you will need to learn some basic rules of body language. How you act and behave is just as important as what you say. If you want to appear confident, it is important to stand straight and tall. Also, you will want to avoid excessive and rapid movements as they make you appear nervous. One of the most important factors is to monitor your movements and pay attention to what you are doing. This might be tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it will become natural.

Body Language

Dress to Impress

While we are often told that the suit does not make a man, it is certain that your sense of style says a lot about you. Learn how to dress according to your body type. Once you master this, try to carry out your style in the best possible way. The best way to improve your looks is by carefully choosing your accessories. For instance, if you are looking for a cool pair of shades, always go for a certified seller, such as Sunglasses Warehouse in order to find designer sunglasses so you would be sure that you get your money’s worth.

Dress to Impress

We are often told that it is the inside that counts. But let’s face it, we live in a society where everybody values physical appearance, so it is quite difficult not to judge the book by its covers. Of course, there are certain methods that can help you achieve a great look without a lot of hassle.

About author:

Tracey Clayton is a full time mom of three girls. She loves cooking, baking, sewing, spending quality time with her daughters and she’s passionate for writing. Her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live.” Find her on Facebook.

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