How Spray Tans Are Different From Lotions?

With the trend of fake tan spreading fast and wide, every girl wants to flaunt her perfectly tanned, radiant body by wearing trendy dresses and short skirts. If you too want to join this latest fad, then you have plenty of options to give your body a rich tanned look. The answer lies in the easily available and very effective fake tan products, such as spray tan kits, which you can buy and get the look you desire without stepping out in the sun. However, many people get confused while selecting the best fake tan product, as there is such an extensive variety to choose from. The biggest dilemma is faced while choosing between spray tans and lotions.

Although both these products are known to be great options for achieving a sun kissed look, it is important to be aware of the differences to be able to make a well informed decision and select the best one for you.

Spray tan is generally considered a safer alternative among these two. It is also a more natural way, than opting for tanning bed. Spray tans, as the name suggests, involve the use of a spray for applying colour on your skin’s top layer. This procedure is usually carried out in salons, but you can also do it in your home, with the help of spray tan kits. These kits are easily available in the market these days. If you are unable to find these in your local store, then you can order them online, as there are plenty of good sites which offer easy order placement and delivery.

Although spray tans are highly effective, still there are many reasons which make them less popular. Primarily, the spray tan does not last for very long, and if you require the tan to stay for more than two days, then you will have to apply it again. Along with that some people find spray tans to be messy, as the colour can come off and stick to your clothes.

Tanning lotions is another commonly used alternative, which has its own positives and negatives. A prime reason for the increasing popularity of tanning lotions is their low cost. Tanning lotions can be easily bought from stores, and you can apply them in the comfort and privacy of your home, without requiring you to go to a salon. These lotions are also ideal if you want to keep your tan for longer period of time, such as five to ten days. However, as these lotions involve the use of hand for application, thus it can change the colour of your hands as well. Also, the lotions are not considered good at giving a natural tan, as these lotions are said to have a slightly orange tint.

The bottom line is that both these products have their pros and cons. It is crucial to follow the directions and use the spray tan or lotion in the prescribed way to be able to get the best results, in the form of a tanned and rich coloured body.

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