Write For Cool Fashion Trend :

Are you really interested to write post or articles about Fashion, Beauty, Online shopping and Wedding?  We are here to publish your Quality Articles in our blog https://www.coolfashiontrend.com/.  We welcome receiving well written and original posts about applicable topics to our readers.

Our Requirements :

  • Articles must be 500+ words.
  • Include 1 image to suitable your content (Size 600*400)
  • We DO NOT accept links within the opening paragraph of the articles.
  • Articles must be Original and not already been published somewhere else on the Internet. (no duplicate and spun contents)

Article must be related topics:

  1. Beauty (makeup, skin care)
  2. Fashion and accessories
  3. Jewellry
  4. Shopping
  5. Wedding
  • The benefits for you is you will naturally gain more readers and genioun traffice to your article(which is what it’s about). and a powerful link to you site.
  • We do not accept link to spammy sites ( like affiliate links, panalysis sites)

Send all submissions and questions to coolfashiontrend[at]gmail.com

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